Grey Water Filtration System for Commercial Buildings

Published: Feb. 19, 2023 | by Wahaso – Grey Water Filtration System

Grey Water Filtration System for Commercial Buildings

DIY water recycling projects are some smelly affairs, and you could end up with an intense odor that never really goes away. Flushing and pumping the water away to the municipal system is not the best alternative solution because you dump away hundreds of dollars every month. What can you do to harvest greywater?

Greywater is the wastewater from showers, bathroom sinks, and the laundry system. It gets its name from its appearance because most of the water from these sources will not have a lot of chemicals and human or food waste to change the color. Greywater is easier to filter and reuse, so it is safer for gardens and secondary purposes.

Does Grey Water Filtration System Make Grey Water Safe To Drink?

Recycled water is not safe to drink if it goes not pass the international standards of clean drinking water. The cleanliness and quality of water depend on the greywater irrigation system, which means some have the technology for excellent standards. In contrast, others could use a few extra steps for further purification.

Everything About Filtering Greywater

The mechanics of these multi-stage greywater filtration systems are simple but also diverse depending on the system. The pipes direct the water to the filtration unit, then the water produced from the unit is cleaner than when it left the grey water outlets like showers, lav sinks, toilets and more. Keep in mind that filtered greywater is not necessarily the best for household chores and uses, but it is beautiful for outdoor activities like watering grass commercial fountains and more.

Is The System Right For You?

Who should consider using this system? Commercial building in areas prone to water shortage due to drought are the perfect candidates for the system and any commercial complex that wants to conserve the enviroment. The Wahaso water system is simple to use and easy to maintain, after the installation and investment. 

How Much Water Do You Have To Produce?

The greywater treatment methods for businesses and establishments filter out all the water you produce before diverting it to the garden. So, how much water do you need to cover all your irrigation needs? A formula can guide us in calculating the amount of water your system produces and how much of it will cover your gardening.

Professionals can make the process more effective

Professionals can make the process more effective by ensuring the greywater filtration solutions are practical and effective for your commerical needs. In addition, we will advise on things such as how to use the system during the cooler months and restrictions on installing the system.

Contact us at 800-580-5350 for a free analysis and estimate for your commercial greywater treatment.


Water Harvesting Solutions

Tags: grey water filtration system, grey water filtration system for commercial buildings

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